Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Video Cherrybelle 3rd Anniversary (Party surprise)


Brought by “http://www.cumicumi.com/” in this video we can find this party surprise where Chibi spend some time with Fans and eating cake, also they give us a few words about this 3 years in the line plus a short comment about the next new member.

Anyway Enjoy the video and Happy 3rd Annyversary !!
Chibi Chibi Chibi ha ha ha haha !!!!


Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Cherrybelle with fans at Semarang SCTV Carnaval


there are just 6 new pictures, but I loved this first one because the banner

“Marry me Steffy Chibi”

xDDD That’s so awesome and sincere!!!! I’m sure that Steffy had to feel so happy towards so brave message, xD anyway here I left the other Pictures or Foto, click to see larger.


Senin, 24 Februari 2014

Felly and the kissed hand


I have seen pictures about it but this morning (night in Indonesia) Urfan Ismail shared me a video where is all the kiss moment, as long I can see Cherly planned it to kiss her hand during 23 seconds by her birthday xD.

anyway Lucky Twiboy ¬¬ xDDD

Thanks to Urfan Ismail for share !!! Visit !!!


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Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

Cherrybelle at Gramedia Semarang Event (Gallery)


Doesn’t Steffy look so cute?? xD
everyday I started to like her even more, anyway by the Web I’ve found Images and now I realized a recopilation about all of them and I leave them here in a single Gallery 29 Images, So this pictures were taken at the event from Yesterday where Chibi realized a book signing at the store… I want a book signed T_T … anyway here it is the gallery!!

Cherrybelle at Carnival SCTV Semarang


A little late, but I’m here posting about this event which everyone were talking about, (I saw it in status and bloggers) so Cherrybelle had a good presentation in there singing songs as “Love is U” and “Pura pura Cinta” something that I could note is the presence about militia personal xD My Cherly is very good protected xD

Anyway I think so much of you have seen the videos but I will post them on here too.



Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

Felly, Birthday at Inbox 22/02/14


Felly had a little celebration at Inbox event a few moments ago aside the Fellicious fans and Cherrybelle, so she asked for a wish, Jocelyn’s recovering, She asks to god that the little Jocelyn get well sooner.

Everyone lets pray for that wish becomes reality, Happy Birthday Felly !!!!


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Cherrybelle invites you to Cirebon concert


Will you assist twiby and twiboy??

I’d love to assist unfortunately I’m at the other side of the world… ¬¬ …. anyway if you are near to the zone, Assist !!! Remember this 8 of March.
Later you can share your experience at the concert.  here the video !!


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urfanismail upgrades in blogger


This is one of my principal info sources about Cherrybelle, and yesterday in the night (morning in Indonesia) the Administrator was realizing some upgrades to the page (Principally in header), This reminds me to my old days when I liked so much to play with the codes xD.
The administrator made a good work even corrected the word February xD.

anyway don’t forget to visit


one of the best sites to receive info about Cherrybelle !!!

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Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

Happy Birthday 23 Felly !!!!


Wel, maybe this is not the best moment after the Felly’s problem with her family, but everyone must support her and wish the best to our dearest and always smiling Felly, Happy Birthday sayang !!!!

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What does it mean “Valentine” for Chibi?


Checking Cherrybelle.info I found this Post about 3 of our girls talking about February 14th or better known as St. Valentine, Lets Check what did they say.


Valentine’s day is the day when we share and express love to your couple, parents, family, friends and people who are less fortuned materially, I mean Visiting orphanages and helping homes where people needs affection.


Valentine’s day is the day when we can show how much we appreciate the important persons in our life.


Usually we understand the February 14th as the day that we wake up to share gifts (as Flowers, greeting cards, Chocolate or teddy bears). We talk about express love to our beloved people… But Valentine is not only about courting couples or married people, it is about  every person in the world who wish to celebrate it… so don’t forget to give a present to the important persons for you this Valentine’s day… Let’s make this a great February 14th Winking smile 

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Cherrybelle talks about Jocelyn


The latest notices about Jocelyn had affected Felly, but all the girls support her at here they speak a little about this situation… (I’ll translate what they say but I just understand a few words)


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Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Cherrybelle official gallery suka suka uya


well today has been a loooong day so is time to go to sleep, but before that I checked cherrybelle.info and I found the official gallery about Cherrybelle at Suka Suka uya  (too late right? xD) anyway, I liked the picture I used as header and to keep the Images in my own personal gallery, I’ll upload them on here


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Felly Worried about her niece in Coma by the Cancer


Is very hard to see Felly worried or sad, but this time she looked very down in the TV Show dahSyatnya Bilang Sayang, she was very silent and distant immediately the CM asked Felly what happened with her.

Felly answered that she was worried about her Niece Jocelyn who fell into a coma. Jocelyn is a little girl who has fight against eye-cancer since her young age and Felly aside Cherrybelle have been supporting her in her treatment, They had received good notices about her recuperation but lamentably she entered in coma.

Is a shame that little children  have to experiment this situations we only can pray by Jocelyn and wait by her recovery…

here the video segment about Felly talking about Jocelyn.


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Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Cherrybelle @ Grand Metropolitan Mall Bekasi


Ok I had to put Cherly as the header of this post… why? because I love Cherly xD
But returning to the main topic. The girls had a presentation at the Bekasi metropolitan mall, where they worn this beauty Chinese style, I really liked it and the background in red makes me feel in February mode, anyway here a little gallery with the pictures (61 pictures)  I’ve found and some videos about the event.


Special thanks to

A day with cherrybelle (Watch online)


I had out home  a few days but I’m back, and one of the TV shows I wanted to see is this “A day with Cherrybelle” fortunately there is now in You Tube, well before going to work is time to watch how the program was, enjoy Twiby !!!


The Show started with the members introduction and a little chat where BTW Cherly sang Fireworks from Katy Perry, and the girls singing diam diam suka while all of them bite their tongues.


Later our girls were taken to a secret place filled with Chocolate… and guess … they were entirely happy …. now I feel hungry …

anyway, in there they decorated a a Valentine cake which was very cute filled with hearts and candies. pretty cute Bagus xD.

In the 3rd segment the girls share their cake with everyone (but me T_T) and the people talk a little about Cherrybelle. BTW one camera guy came directly from Sydney and even sang a part of the song “Beautiful”


The next place was a dance school where the girls showed up a little choreography aside the song Pura Pura Cinta, later started a little split show and the girls talk about experiences with the dance and a demonstration with one opf my favorites songs “A brand new day” (new version).


and this finished the Show, with an ending about Ryn playing some pranks to the girls while they are sleeping. xD

Special Terima Kasih to: http://urfanismail.blogspot.com/
Where was uploaded the Show and I could find the info. check out the TV show in the following links and enjoy !!!

part 1: http://youtu.be/9PQTzY-ZlcE
part 2: http://youtu.be/VONu5ImW95Q
part 3: http://youtu.be/jABoHruV-eE
part 4: http://youtu.be/-ELdrSjpnPE
part 5: http://youtu.be/RmLuEy4DmHo

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Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

A day with Cherrybelle February 15


Well this is only a short view to what we will have in the next chapter of this TV show, is a shame that I can’t be here for this moment T_T. but surely We will be able to find it in YT later.

Basically the name says everything this show is about spent a day with a personality, this time is Cherrybelle, You can’t miss it !!


Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Cherrybelle Crush the novel


Up there We can read “Buku Baru”
Buku = Book
Baru = New

So yeah Crush has now a Novel… (To be honest I didn’t have Idea about this book ) I barely could find info about this book.
Apparently this book manages the same plot of the movie but with the advantage that is now on sale. (This notice was posted by Deddy Wijanarko)

The movie will be released in March but if you want to discover the plot, get the book … that sounds as TV commercial xDD

The price is 46.500 Indonesian Rupiah …
in USD 3.84 ….

T_T so cheap…..

Unfortunately here in America is hard to get it ¬¬ …
Anyway, I think that you have to buy the book because of my experience the books are better detailed than the movies…


xDD surely you won’t miss the movie right Twiby????

Senin, 10 Februari 2014

Cherrrybelle 3rd Anniversary and 2 big surprises ~ A new member and the new Image ~


Well maybe if they are revealed they are anymore a surprise… mmm so lets call it better 2 big news xD

Well soon, this February 27 Chibi will be celebrating 3 years as a girlband, Awesome right?

They have said that this 3rd celebration will be filled with songs and games (?) …
Aside the new style and the new member by the moment we just can wait for that day and keep supporting Chibi and make them grow up as the awesome girl band that they are.

Cherrybelle have had ups and downs but I think this moments become the Pillars for every strong group, I really have faith in cherrybelle, and I will celebrate aside them this 3rd anniversary and with the hope to celebrate even more Anniversaries and see how this girls become even stronger.

“Someday they’ll know that they are brighter than the stars”

Cherrybelle at Hard rock event “KOIN” helping Manado


Lately this zone, Manado, has been affected by Natural disasters this year. and in the best determination the association KOIN (Kepedulian Orang INdonesia) (“Caring Indonesian People”) decided to realize an event this February 5, where Chibi Was invited aside some other artist. Specially Kezia and Christy felt affected because they come from places in the affected zone.


I specially have seen some similar disasters and I have seen how much people suffers because of them, but also we can see how people worries and help.

We just can send our best wishes and help as much as we can.
here a little mini~gallery with the images from the event.

source http://urfanismail.blogspot.mx/

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Cherrybelle at suka suka uya


Since a few days I have heard about this TV show and Chibi as invited but until now I had the opportunity to check it. Was intense… I can’t find better words to say it, some parts were prepared as the moment where a Woman entered screaming and Fighting Chibi, efgrvwerfso we could see Christy and Gigi angry about that since this moment we can see that the show should be intense, we just need to see the Steffy’s face who by the way didn’t say a single word the whole program fgegerwefewq

obviously this part was part of the show as a joke, but I think this put a great tension over the members, lately they have had a lot of work and they have to be cute the whole time etc… anyway the show continued with a Russian roulette (more intense xD) where 3 girls (4 with a second Felly) had to pierce the hand with a hidden knife kinda funny this part


But Later started the “hypnosis” session Where Christy started to talk about the other members, To be honest I didn’t understand a 90% of the confession but I could see how Cherly felt sad about  Christy’s words.

When I started to know about Chibi I surely saw some chapters of the Chibiburger and in there I could find some “hard” relationship between Cherly and Christy I thought was my imagination but here I could see that maybe I’m not wrong at all that was one reason why I have kind distance talking about Kici,

again, I couldn’t understand a big part of the words but Cherly looked so sad at hearing Christy, but she didn’t say anything, later came the revenge where Felly vanish in front everyone and everyone get worried, (I mean faint maybe vanish sounds very dramatic) cfhgvnb

At this point the Show was very … not usual I think..
Then Cherly sit to enter in the hypnosis and she started to talk, at here also couldn’t understand very well but as long I could understand she said something about Angel, Christy and Felly, (my heart felt broken at see my Cherly with the broken voice and starting to cry)…

Then they started to talk about Anisa, As I could understand Cherly said that she misses Anisa because she was part of the original members and she wanted to be success as Cherrybelle aside her (that is what I understand but I’m not sure) then she cried and I think everyone cried (even me) with this the show was closed asking for a hug between Cherly and Christy, image

Obviously this hug won’t repair everything the girls have work to do about the problems and etc… But I believe in this girls, they have a long way to walk.

In resume this show was polemic as I could see…

Even Deddy asked in Facebook what the people thinks about Cherly’s words.

In my opinion it was right she said what she had to say.

Well as a plus I let here a little gallery of images I took from the TV show, and down there the YT link.



Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Cherrybelle Crush the movie trailer


Well until now I’m not really sure this movie is about xD but I’m happy just at see the images looks like an full action movie, very different to the past style about love anyway the release date is near let’s wait a little longer ^^

Is a shame I couldn’t see it in a theater T_T anybody invites me ???

here a gallery and the trailer enjoy it !!!


Kici and her Solo Album


Well I really love Kici’s voice, even when she is not my fav member I really like her voice and I think is perfect that now she will have a solo Album. When I heard about this I just could think about how this girls are becoming more professional step by step. All the luck for Christy and her new Album ^^


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Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

Cherrybelle 3rd Album.


Well is not just a rumor. the 3rd Album is soon to be released.

Lately I’ve been reading about Cherrybelle’s way in the time. even I knew there were 2 more girls who quit before the debut O_O… Curious facts I think, and obviously I’ve seen the evolution of their music etc… and just as the producers have said “Is time for an upgrade”

I’m not saying ChiBi is wrong right now, to be honest I like so much, but at the new album is planned to give personality and a new style to the girls, even there is some comments about each girl could have a “solo song” and talking about the dancing and etc. we could see new design and an evolution.

The changes are important and this is a risk, why? because a change can be as good as bad. but to be honest I have faith in this girls and I hope the best I will be supporting them in their new Album as all the twiby right?

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