Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

OTAKU hate them or love them?


Well I’m not against otakus to be honest once I loved the anime and I still like so much some animations or Doramas they are awesome, BUT the topic for today is the next:
Is ok the way they express themselves to be an Otaku?

NO I think, why?
I always have thought something, you must act in the correct way to the correct situation, and no I’m not saying we must hide our love or worship to something or someone that we love, No.
but we must learn the balance between our love and the OTHER PEOPLE.

As I Said before, yes I could be considered an Otaku and yes I loved Japanese songs Even I learned some Japanese and I wore T-Shirts about my fav Anime, also, I met too many persons who loved anime as me, and yes they were bullied for that reason. Why?…
Persons from a group always support the people on their same group is logic, that’s the reason otakus never understand the reason why other people make them apart, they protect themselves and support each other but they never think about how they act against other persons; they Insult and apart persons who doesn´t share their Japan´s love  saying:
“I like Japanese Music, and people who hears American Music is False and Stupid”

and I’m not lying as is said nowadays “True Story” and the 90% of the otakus think like this, this is the principal problem here, they think they are in some way “Superior” and “Underestimated” and yes maybe that is right because in the animes you can really learn so many things xD I know.
ok Starting with that perception “I’m Superior and Underestimated” they Start to make away the other “Common” persons and we must Remember, the human being fears the different or strange is natural
the otakus Start to wear like anime characters and talk like them, obviously this scares the “Normal” people and in response they start to discriminate them and this just feed the Otakus Ego and keeps going on and on without find a finish.

actually I have Otaku Friends and I love them they know it, but I think the Otaku can find a way to coexist with normal persons without hide what they love
If I could do it I think Everyone can try.
Everyone knows how I love Anime, Japanese Music, Doramas, Videogames, American Series and they Admire the way I know so many things but I don´t think “normal” people is stupid, they have taught me so many things and we live in peace.

“I respect them and they Respect me.”
But read the order of this phrase
I respect them and they Respect me

the respect starts with “me” then “they” will start to respect me, we must give the first step and yes, I think wear all the time as anime characters or talk like them is a disrespect for the other persons cause is annoying. And I’m saying it even I love Anime.

We must find a balance, then we could start to show the “normal” people how amazing is the Japanese world, but having in mind maybe they really couldn´t like it and we must respect that. Tags: ,,,,,

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