Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Second round about the Cherrybelle Diam Diam suka Dress


Why am I writing again about this? is easy, I really like the way the producers took the decision in the combination of colors etc…

I think they look Fresh, happy and natty, and I love them.


So, is not only my opinion xD, I consulted a friend of mine to realize an analysis (because she really knows about this and she gave the next results:




Score :  8.5

the dresses are very beautiful, they are elegant and is not only based in the body also stand out the face and adds respect.
The Make up is very natural and attractive.
But the girls have different kind of faces and eyes and this makes the dresses look different in each girl, that gives us an non equilibrated shape in group, but individually is perfect.

So this we could say is a 4/5 stars here the prize



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