Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Tuesday of Music: Aurelia Devi “Thanks for loving me”


I remember my first post about Tuesday of Music was about her and her first single “In love with you” , but this time is the moment to talk about her second single, “Thanks for loving me” which in general gives a 360 round to the past style, here we can see a more mature Devi singing a Ballad. anyway here my opinion and the Video Check it and comment !!! (here the resume about her first single)

Thanks for loving me. Revision


The music principally is a Ballad, as I said before this is a very hard change of style in comparision to her first single, I think the music is very well, I’ve hear better compositions, but I think this one is very good, also Devi knew how to manage her voice surrounded with that kind of music.


Cute, the Dress that she used in the beach was specially cute, I think stands out her body and her face, simple without make up and an flat hairstyle combines at the perfect way, the other costume, I mean the pink blouse looks very good also, the make up  is also well balanced playing with her lips an making her look so cute. meanwhile the Red coat and black skirt, look good, anything awesome, but looks very well.

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This lyrics are deeper than the last time, on here we can find a song about a girl saying thank you to an special person, we can overlay words as “you are my spirit my breath and my light when my heart is fragile, thanks for loving me” this song is perfect to thank someone that you love so much.


In general This song is awesome, or at least I like so much plus I like the ballads like this, I think that Devi is trying to find a new style, and she is experimenting in different styles, at least this time she made it  better than her first single, but thisis only my Opinion, what do you think?





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