Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

How Deep Is Your Love Cover by @ardosebastian @adinda_adi

it has been a long time since I heard this song. I was checking random post in the rockmelt “new experience” (Which I can´t really understand) and find this recommendation, the voices are really pretty(btw is the first time I use soundcloud xD) check it.


Wenda !!!!

Sarawenda, xD she is one of the first Indonesian girls that I knew, yey after she leaves CB she get married to Ruben Onsu and made a new life, even she debuted with a song but lately I haven’t knew about her, and I found this picture, she looks so cute isn’t she?


Cherrybelle New brand gel.


Today I find this image,I’m not sure if they are new but looking the name, they should be recent around “brand new day” song, or later, xD but I like the Idea of get the full collection of this gel. Is a shame that is near to imposibble find them here in America T_T someone wants to send me one? *O*

Here the collection ^^ Tags: ,,

Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Second round about the Cherrybelle Diam Diam suka Dress


Why am I writing again about this? is easy, I really like the way the producers took the decision in the combination of colors etc…

I think they look Fresh, happy and natty, and I love them.


So, is not only my opinion xD, I consulted a friend of mine to realize an analysis (because she really knows about this and she gave the next results:




Score :  8.5

the dresses are very beautiful, they are elegant and is not only based in the body also stand out the face and adds respect.
The Make up is very natural and attractive.
But the girls have different kind of faces and eyes and this makes the dresses look different in each girl, that gives us an non equilibrated shape in group, but individually is perfect.

So this we could say is a 4/5 stars here the prize



Justin Bieber Spits fans ????

Well, I’m not a big fan of JB but I like some songs of him, and I’m not very informed about his career but when I heard about this notice I wanted to investigate a little about, Why? because as I think is something really incredible.

How an star dares to do that to him own fan base O_o, I’m used to hear about Justin Bieber´s haters, saying this and that. I really thought this was another paranoid imagination from his haters. but I checked Pictures and everything says that is true…

Now my question is Why???
Why someone would do that? lately JB has been in several scandals, everyone of them because of the power that the singer has reached.
well, I’m not an expert about JB as I said before, maybe someone could give another opinion why is he acting like that . but for the moment I just can say this, HE is losing the context of the reality.

His fans don’t deserve that, any fan in the world deserves that. I hope JB recover the control of his own life..

image Tags: ,,

Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

Cherrybelle in NETMEDIA.CO


Right now I’m looking Chibi in this program xD (is the first time I see then “live”) xDD anna check ? they are now talking about Pizza (?) xDDD

and this pĂ­cture wasin Twitter

xDDD question Cherrybelle can speak Ingrish? xD
good words Gigi xD Tags: ,

2 vids about Cherly’s graduation

well the info spreads faster nowadays xD well thanks to the blog of

I could find this videos *O*  they are short, but cool xD


plus,, I found this Image xDD


Happy graduation Cherly !!

Today ,,,mm not sure if “today” xD we have different time xD but anyway, my Sweet ChiBi Cherly has graduated also I’ve learned a new word in bahasa “wisuda” means Graduation, I’m happy to know that Cherly is becoming an awesome girl, really I hope all her wishes become true really. ^^

Congratulations my sweet Cherlyyy !!!



Also we can find some pictures and a Video about ChiBi in Cherly’s graduation,

xD felly as cute as always xD


and here the video

if I find more info later I’ll post it *O*.

Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

Blink 2nd anniversary

I forgot to post this event 3 days ago (here is different day than Indonesia) but Blink one of the first groups that I knew reached their 2nd anniversary, is incredible how the time passes O_O also I can add they are now very cute girls (so cantik) well now I can say
Congratulations blinkstars. !!!
Isn´t easy to get a 2nd anniversary,maybe now Ashilla isn´t anymore but I know all you girls, Febby, Ify, Piscilla dan Via will reach your dreams, keep going.


image and here the vid Tags: ,,

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Ryn Chibi Diam Diam Suka Costume

Well I can say that the Diam Diam suka costumes become easily my favorite  ChiBi Designs.
Just look at them, they are cute, elegant, happy and even sexy but without reach the vulgarity. Here I wanted to post 3 pictures I found about Ryn Chibi with her Diam Diam Suka Dressing. my veredict??? 5 Stars !!! the top in my list !!



Isn’t she a beauty???

Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013

Happy Birthday to my love Cherly !!!


Well today I have decided to start a new life, everything is crushing down and I don’t have time to crush down anyway …
Now Cherly, you are my inspiration, but why?

I’m not really sure xD, when I turned to Cherrybelle first time my sight turned to Wenda dan Ryn, later Devi took my attention and after a few days I discover the strength and the energy growing up on Cherly, later I started to hear separated her voice in the songs, and finished falling in love with her xD maybe an impossible dream but I like her.

that’s the reason I just want to say her Happy Birthday Cherly, I will be supporting you here (on the other side of the world xD) and I will be strong also. ^^ I gift you my smiles now on ahead.

Happy Birthdayyy !!!!!!!


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