Well I had to give a few Refresh but this page could reach the 5000, I’m not sure how to say it in bahasa O_O… Lima seribu???? …. I must study xD
Well. Is very late in the night and is better to resume a little…
Why did I stopped to write? (anyone careeees!!! ) ¬¬ … anyway is my blog and I write what I wish ¬¬ … well I had some problems in the work and I was really busy, but finally I have free time again, even I started to play a new Game called Sky crawlers is very interesting if you are in plane’s videogames…
Anyway the time I was busy had consequences the time doesn’t stop by me and our dearest girls keep working now I knew about Kici and her new release in a single CD,also was launched the new trailer of “Crush” the movie, and I’m not sure but now there should be the new member but I’ll write about Tomorrow cause I’m really tired by now… we must keep strong to say a hard “Happy B~day to ryn in the next days ^^
Chibi Chibi Chibi Hak hak hak haaak!!!