Minggu, 03 November 2013



What is it a Colic?

For too many women this is part of their life. Suffer with menstrual colic before and during the menstrual period. known as dysmenorrheal

the pains range from acute pangs to persistent pain that affecting the entire abdomen and lower part of the back.

There are two types of menstrual colic; primary and secondary.
the primary is more common in young women and the secondary can be caused by other problems as endometriosis, fibrous tumors and ovarian cysts.

Is a pain syndrome characterized  by abdominal pain that varying intensity often accompanied by nauseas vomiting and diarrhea. The pain produce irritability, tension and stress.

It is caused by the prostaglandins which is a substance that is generated in the uterus and causes the uterus to contract.

the doctors prescribe birth control pills to relieve pain but this can cause abnormal bleeding in some women.

also we have another type of colic about I will talk later.

biliary colic.

renal colic.

infantile colic.

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