Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

The comet ISON visible at naked eye!!! 2013


Well this 2013 we will have a natural spectacle, the comet C-2012 S1 ISON can be seen during the last months this 2013.
but… When?
Is expected that could be visible (naked eye) since November 2013 to January 2014 but since September can be visible with some small telescopes.

I think this is one of that things that we should remember, why mmmm I don’t know xD but I like the idea, so the day that will be closest to the Earth will be December 26, a nice Christmas I think.

Also I learned something about this comets
“why that odd name?”
and now that I read about is absolutely logic xD here a short explanation;

C/2012 S1. The "C" indicates that it is non-periodic, followed by the year of discovery. The "S" represents the half-month of discovery—in the case of C/2012 S1, the second half of September—and the number "1" shows that this was the first comet found in that half month.[30] The addition of "(ISON)" after its name merely identifies the organization where its discovery was made, the Russia-based International Scientific Optical Network.

Cool right? xDD

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