Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Cherrybelle Crush the novel


Up there We can read “Buku Baru”
Buku = Book
Baru = New

So yeah Crush has now a Novel… (To be honest I didn’t have Idea about this book ) I barely could find info about this book.
Apparently this book manages the same plot of the movie but with the advantage that is now on sale. (This notice was posted by Deddy Wijanarko)

The movie will be released in March but if you want to discover the plot, get the book … that sounds as TV commercial xDD

The price is 46.500 Indonesian Rupiah …
in USD 3.84 ….

T_T so cheap…..

Unfortunately here in America is hard to get it ¬¬ …
Anyway, I think that you have to buy the book because of my experience the books are better detailed than the movies…


xDD surely you won’t miss the movie right Twiby????

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