Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Sunday of health ~junk food~

what is junk food?

Is food with excess of fat, sodium, sugars, carbohydrates, that contain a high  amount of protein and additives as conservatives, dyes and flavors artificial that generate a habit to consume this food.

as burgers, sandwiches, fries potato, pastry in generally, sodas and candies.

these foods are not good to our health and to the children this foods are not appropriate for growing and can affect your health because they not contain a balanced diet.

why do we consume  it?

because are very easy to acquire and we do not have to prepare it, comparated to a healty food which is hard to prepare, also is cheap, very tasty and we will see it in the T.V. and inside the stores is the first thing we see.

How affect us?

affect us causing us cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity,, diabetes, constipation, caries, deterioration of the health because of  imbalance of nutrients.

Destroys the sense of taste by the high consumption of conservatives and flavoring artificial generating the increase of appetite of consumer.

is bad eating Junk food?

“is not bat” if we consume this food moderately will not present any risk to our health.


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