Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Tuesday of music. Bunga Citra Lestari ~ Cinta Sejati ~


Citra Citra Citra… before start to talk about this song I want to say something about. I think Citra is a singer with a very high quality, and with this song really she shines surrounded with a very well done instrumental work,also we can apreciate this is a very difficult song. Maybe not everyone knows about but this song was launched aside the movie “Habibie dan Ainun” where we can see the Story about this 2 persons, Habibie (ex president from Indonesia) and her always loyal wife Ainun.
In there Citra roles the cast of Ainun making a very good work, I love a part in the movie where Ainun is very angry to Habibie and he only kisses her to calm her down. A real love story, the movie is very fast I can say, sometimes I felt lost but is still a good movie I’m sure will make you cry, (I did) well. now lets pass to the Song.

Cinta sejati Revision


Awesome… simply awesome, a very well done work with the Piano and the other instruments, this song even as instrumental can transport you to the nostalgia of the moment. Also we must count the voice, the notes that she must to use they are a very good mixing and they are perfect with the music and lyrics.


So pretty, I’m not a white dress lover, but on here combines very well, maybe I’d like a Wine~color dress, but the white one looks pretty well, and the wardrobe used in the movie is very good balanced.


I love the elegies and I’m not sure but this one could be one, this song is sad and nostalgic  and keeps that style even in the lyrics talking us about a person who has passed away, with words as
“I never went out, I’m always in your heart”
”A colored valley embrace us and two souls become one in the silence of the love”


Maybe this song is one which will deserves to be in the top. I really love it, maybe for some persons can be a “bored” style, but checking quality and everything else, this is an awesome song. Just let me without words… Enjoy.

Ranking 10 / 10

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