Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

Sunday of health ~ the astigmatism ~

Is a condition on the curvature of the cornea, causes an error in the refraction of the eye an is almost always congenital and that’s why the  images are blurry.


Currently this defect can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery gives good results and a low level of complications, change the curvature of the cornea using a technique known as LASIK (laser in situ keratomeusis assistant) is quick and only takes a few minutes and is performed under local anesthesia.


the patients do not distinguish fine details and perceive blurred figures, as a result you may experience headaches or dizziness because the eye muscles force to try to correct the defect, the patient may  have other symptoms such as red eyes, sensitivity to light or double vision.


must perform an eye exam to diagnose astigmatism.

Astigmatism causes.

The origin of this condition is unknown,it is present from birth and frequently is associated with other disorders as myopia or farsightedness and astigmatism, also can be purchased, as a result you can modify normal morphology of the cornea and of surgical procedures (cataract operation) injuries or illnesses.

If astigmatism is slight it may not need any treatment.

Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

Saturday of technology ~ the cubli ~


Some people says lately have been created a lot of useless technology… and maybe is right… and maybe this could be one perfect example about that but with the time I know people will find an use to that and to be honest I can se future in this technology I’m not sure why ,,, but check it out this cube is cool.


Friday of fun ~ The expendables 3 ~


Maybe this has an awkward storyline or a no common sense anywhere … But we must admit this makes us get fun, Violence or not human rights or not, this is simply an action movie in all the extension of the word.

I’m a big fan of this movies, (the expendables) I’ve seen both of them in the theater and I just don’t know why but thrills me xD anyway today is my recommendation,  this time we have some other names to add at this new release, and they are truly legends

Gibson, Ford, Banderas and Snipes… anyway lets wait to the release,,, 8 / 15 / 2014

Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

Thursday of the world ~ the 10 most beautiful lakes in the world…~


Well today I was watching this video and I thought this could be awesome to share, for sure there must be also another awesome Lakes in the world that could be as cool as these lakes in the video. here the list maybe later I will talk about each one of them ^^ but bye the moment I have  lack of time ¬¬ xD lets gooo 1!!

10~ plitvice lake in Croatia

9~ The red lake in Bolivia

8~ Peyto lake in Canada

7~ Flathead lake in USA

6~ Hiller lake Western Australia

5~ Carrera lake Chile

4~ Shimshat Lake Pakistan

3~Gippsland Lake Australia

2~ Lake Baikal Rusia

1~ Five flower Lake China

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Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

Wednesday of fashion a quick Make up


“I don’t do fashion, I’m fashion”

This words remind me something that I had present long time ago… anyway …The topic this day was about a quick make up, I have never used Make up in my life xD (Yey I’m a boy but anyway I’ve seen boys who use makeup anyway) But I’ve seen girls in the bus or the subway practicing this quick make up.

I think the Make up is artistic, and sometimes I think how much articles must a girl use in the process O_O Now with this video I’ve discovered it anyway Check it out !!

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Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Tuesday of music ~ Louder by Charice ~


Well Today I had another song in mind, but lately I remember about this girl and this song, Louder, a song that I loved so much and I had forgotten lately, This song is strong, and moved anyway hear it and judge ^^---

Louder Revision


The Music apparently is calmed but immediately we can hear this song is powerful full of changes and strong moments, Charice has an awesome voice, even she is considered as a new diva, and I think here she can joint her voice to an very dynamic style I really like how much energy this song can transmit.


Maybe this is the few videos where I don’t like the clothes, I can see 3 main styles, the first the gray dress, I think makes look Charice a little fat, and also I don’t like how her hair is made… the second one, the hat Style, here she looks better, but the color isn’t the correct I think, and surrounded by crystals everywhere is worst, the third one I really like, the street style, I think this is the right way to dress in this song an strong song needs an street style and her hair looks very well also.


The Lyrics are so energetic, they are an Energetic “ I WON’T GIVE UP” I don’t need no shoulders, I’m gonna be a soldier Let my heart speak louder than my head… I think that lines say everything about this song…


In general I feel this song so energetic and strong, I don’t like the clothes but even like that I like the video, someway is intense this was the first video I saw about Charice and convinced me. so check it out.




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Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

Monday of flashback ~ Mandela, Breaking bad, Korea, Schools and Oil ~

xD ok his week can’t be so more Random right? … mmm maybe yes,, sometimes my week is only weirdo, anyway around the world there have been happening a lot of new notices some high some down, for example  yesterday I saw a contest for select the best costume for cats … I’m not sure if this is up or down xDD anyway lets star with he resume.


Well I must say something about this, I’m not a humanitarian follower, maybe sounds rude, but I love the capitalism, and I don’t mean about money money money, I mean about the game for become the best, the money is only a result from, but the real enjoy is about the work to become the best that’s the reason I admire Mandela, maybe he wasn’t a Capitalist, but he had the spirit of fight inside, and this is something I admire about him, now he has passed away the world has lost a greath man RIP.

Breaking bad

This week I started to look Breaking Bad. the TV series, If you haven’t seen it you should, sometimes is fun sometimes is irritating, sometimes is so realistic… How many times have you thought about what have you done with your life? and what could happen if you receive the notice that you will die sooner?? Would you …. Break bad??


Well this is maybe a random notice but I think is something important to have in the sight… the Norcorean guy have killed his own uncle as traitor, this uncle was behind the actual leader in there… now that man has died, what is the next?


the last one leads me to this another topic.. Another shoot-people practice in an school finishing with a suicide, A suicidal profile like this was a little complicated to find, but lately has become a very common way to express… this always reminds me the movie “God Bless America”


Oil Oil Oil,,, why Oil?? because I’m realizing an experiment to create Aromatic oil… I tried to follow the rules in Internet but I think I have messed up right now… xD I will post my experience after have finished it xD…

urinary infections


The urinary infections are caused by germs or bacteria that enter the urethra and and this is leading to a infection and can spread to the kidneys.

Most of the time the body can rid of these germs and bacteria.

The menopause also increases the risk of a urinary infection

The diabetes, kidney stones and remain  for a long time also increases the likelihood of a urinary infection.

The urinary infections  have different names.

In the part of the bladder is known as cystitis.

The ureters are conducts that carry urine each kidney to the bladder are rarely sites for infection.

An infection in the kidneys is called pyelonephritis or kidney infection.

the urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside is called infection urethritis.


Pain and burning with urination.

Strong need to urinate frequently

Turbid and bloody urine can have a strong fetid.

if the infection is passed kidney the symptoms are:

chills, tremors and night sweats, fatigue and fever over 101° (38°) or confusion mental changes, nausea and vomit.

paint abdominal intense.


the analysis is done to detect red blood cells and white blood cells, bacteria and chemical nitrite in urine.

also a urine culture is done to identify the bacteria and use the correct treatment, antibiotics are usually recommended by mouth because there is a risk that the disease spreads to the kidneys.

Is important to consult a physician and a day or two you will feel better.

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Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013

Amazing Buffalo saves his friend from a Lion O_O


Well I was checking my feeds and I saw this video around, is about a Buffalo that saves his partner buffalo 2 (since now we call him buffalo dua xD) from a Lion. As I understand is not easy to see something like that O_O…anyway check the video..

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Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

Saturday of technology Youtube 2013 rewind


We must admit the fact that if we talk about Technology we must talk about media and YT is maybe the most well known source of media and as the past years here made again a video where shows the most viewed in the year.

for sure we have to mention the Miley Cyrus Video, people with horse head (a classic xD) Mexican lucky song (which I hate) and Harlem shake O_o….. to be honest this years to me wasn’t so awesome… what do you think??

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Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

Friday of fun !! Wrecking Chatroulette XD


Usually the chatroulette is used to chat but sometimes we can find weird stuff like this… which is so funny xD Everyone of us have heard about the miley song Wrecking ball, also we know that she give a change to her image,, but this guy gave another meaning  to that change xD check it out the faces of the people are awesome,, Lets spent an awesome Friday !!!!

Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

Thursday of the world “Auroras” (borealis and australis )


I think everyone of us have heard about this beautiful lights called “Aurora” but only a few of us have seen one in real life, Today I wanted to share a little about this lights. (Which to be honest I just realized there were 2 kind of them Borealis and australis (northern and southern))

Well, the Aurora is a light caused by the collision from particles and atoms causing a magnetic effect which causes the lights that we know, The Aurora is a common phenomena, but is divided in 2 ways the diffuse and the discrete ones.

A diffuse one is invisible to naked eye, but the Discrete can glow in the night sky, because their glow is too weak for being seen in the sunlit sky.

This light appears in the geomagnetic poles (we call them south and north pole xD)  and depends from the site the way that we call them… Borealis in the north and Australis in the south. Basically they are the same the only that changes is the place where they are.


looking them closely they are so beauty, they usually gain a green color, (sepia for color blind people xD Check the article) but sometimes turn blue or red as we can see, also their shapes can change or keep static… if you have time to see one of them enjoy !!


Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

Wednesday of fashion ~ Agnes Monica talks about fashion ~


Agnes Monica is a very well known Artist in Indonesia, she has a long carreer and she is LOVED by her fans, for me her style is fast and sophisticated, I am alittle more calmed and romantic xD, but even with that difference I like Agnes’s Style. here we can find a video about her talking about fashion…

She says the fashion gives us a personality is something that we want to express, also she confess that her inspiration is Audrey Hepburn but also she loves the Japanese pop style.

Her favorite Designer is Jean Paul Gaultier


And her Daily Style is very casual I could say she looks very cute as a casual girl ^^

But also she talks a little about her Model career where she uses some designs very fantastic…

Anyway Check the video and If you have the chance Check the Agnes Music…



Senin, 09 Desember 2013

Tuesday of music ~ Nindy, Seribu Cara ~


Reopening this section I want to share a song that I loved a first glance, why? to be honest I’m not sure I just know that I love it xD so now is the moment to know why I like so much..
The title of the song is “Seribu Cara” or something in English as “1000 ways” my mom says that the pronunciation is like “Tribuchara” xDD but is near to “Sribu chara” remember in bahasa Indonesia our “C” sounds as “Ch” in “Charming”… check it out !!!

Seribu Cara revision


The music is a pop style, very cheerful and fresh, to be honest the entire song is refreshing, plus we must add the detail to see the entire girlband playing the instruments is a very good detail. and the mix of the 3 main voices is very good maybe they sound similar, but they are different.


the blue clothes mixed with this gray silvered combines very well adding this fresh color xD really when I see this video I think on Ice cubes xDD. I didn’t like the Nindy’s pants, I think this doesn’t combine but the other girls made it very well I think…


I liked the lyrics also, in general the song means to “1000 ways to make you mine” the lyrics speak about a girl who loves a man but this girl isn’t so good expressing her feelings and prefers to take 1000 ways to confess her love than just say “I love you” and keeping the hope that he someday will understand the message (semoga saja) xDD is a very coquettish and clever song even in the lyrics…


In general I like this song, very well done, the lyrics are something special, and combine in a perfect way with the song’s style, also here Nindy feats with this girl band “Girliez” whose I can’t find anything … which is a shame because they sing very well. I hope you have the opportunity to check it someday ^^



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Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

Monday of flashback ~ Christmas, SCTV, Internet and auditions

Malaaaamm !!! well after lose a few days I’m now back and ready  to keep in the line. also I must cancel now the section about weekly recommendation because my friend is busy as everyone in this days xDD if someone wants to replace the doors are open O_O.. anyway lets start !!!


Christmas is near I know there are people who doesn’t like Christmas but what can I say … I they don’t like just skip it, but as I can see this is a cute moment, maybe can be an illusion or not but all the people seems to worry about the other people, is like an moment to start again, to share and forgive, or I like to see it like this… so what do you think??


This last days we have talk and hear a lot about SCTV awards, I liked the way all the show was taken full of stars and we could see the new beginning for Anisa, I like ths shows this TV broadcaster transmit, and is better the Idea about they permit to share that shows in YT xD because some TV broadcasters block everything ¬¬… so I’ve seen some FTV and I like them,,, long live to SCTV ^^


Don’t you get angry when your internet fails? since 2 weeks ago I’ve been having Internet problems,, first glance I thought was the modem,, I changed it recently and now I realize that is a matter of the server… ¬¬ awesome right?…. tomorrow I will report it ¬¬  …


This is our big topic Isn’t it? the Cherrybelle auditions to get a new member, now I have a favourite girl but all the girls have a chance to get in. sure you can follow the fight directly in just register or enter with an Facebook account and VOTE !!! select our next Chibi !!!!


Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

varicose veins


the varicose veins are known as venous insufficiency peripheral, is a disease that affects the legs and this causes circulation problems with the blood, those who suffer have heavy legs,cramps and severe itching pains, it’s more common in women by effect of hormones and pregnancy.

the varicose is formed when the venous valves of the legs do not close properly and the blood begins to pool  in the veins making them insufficient.

the varicose appear by spend much time standing or sitting. if you have the problem of  varicose veins go to a specialist to solve the problem.

how to prevent them?

not spending much time standing  and sitting not cross your legs, not wear tight clothing,belts and tight shoes which do not allow the flow of the blood.

some plants help to have good circulation as Chaya which is rich in iron, calcium and potassium and helps transport blood and oxygen to the brain.

the black mustard is applied to a hot bath to stimulate circulation.

the rosemary acts as a stimulant for the nerve traffic but is not recommended for very nervous people.

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the color blindness


it is a genetic defect that cause difficulty at distinguishing colors, the word comes from the physical blindness John Dalton Who suffered this disorder.

the grade of involvement varies greatly, the affection is the lack of the ability to distinguish any colors and a slight degree to distinguish some shades of red and green.

when the person perceives a color which may vary depending on the intensity and type of light.

The affected has three types of cones with functional defects which confuses one color with another.

in the night the color is different than when is viewed in the light of the sun.

The genetic defect is heritary, if a male inherits an x chromosome with deficiency will blindness, if both chromosomes have deficiency therefore color blindness affects men more than women.

there are three types of color blindness;

the achromatic, monochromatic and dichromatic:

Achromatic is when the person does not have any of the three colors is presented only one case per 100,000 people.

monochromatic: is when the person have one of the three pigments and the vision of light and color is reduced to a dimension.

Dichromatic:is a moderately severe defect in which one diffusion suffer lack one of the three basic color mechanisms.

The most common group of colorblind has three types of cones but perceive  altered colors.

Diagnostic:the method most commonly used for diagnosis are card Ishihara.

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Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Cherrybelle new member last contestant 16 Rara


Another name which has a similar in Spanish xD Rara in Spanish means “weird”

Well Rara has a very good balanced voice, I think she could fit very well in cherrybelle, also is cute and energetic,maybe she needs to stay a little calmed because I could see in her certain insecurity at some points but she is still in the contest and maybe is our next Chibi,

Well she is the last one and one of them will be our new Cherrybelle, we just have to wait to see the new member by the moment lets keep supporting Chibi !!!

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Cherrybelle new member Contestant 15 Ayunda


Ayunda is another favorite and she is still in the race…

I must admit that her laugh gain a place in my heart xDD.. I don’t know but that gave her (for me) an extra cute add. xD Surely she is cute and she would look awesome in Cherrybelle, Her voice is dominant I don’t know how much could this fit in Cherrybelle… but only the time will tell us if she is selected… and please move a little more xD she is a little static..

Chibi Chibi chibi hak hak hak haaak xDDD

Cherrybelle new member Contestant 14 Dian


the 14 contestant Dian

Dian has  a very good voice, just to hear her I can feel her, and I also could see that she is a little tall xD. maybe she needs a little more of energy, as I know she is out by now, is a shame because I really liked her voice and her smile T_T

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Cherrybelle new member contestant 13 Nydia


Our next girl is Nydia from Jakarta

Nydia is so cute, I like her face and the way is mixed with her hair, as I know she is now out as finalist, but I think she could have being a good Chibi, something in her to me is so charismatic, maybe because she is very polite… ^^

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Cherrybelle new member Contestant 12 Herty


Herty is another finalist and she is ready to become a new Cherrybelle

With this short moments we can see how energetic this girl is. and we must admit this is necessary to be part of this work, I think she could look very good aside Cherrrybelle, indeed is one of my favorites…


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Cherrybelle New member Contestant 11 Thia


Thia, this girl is one of the favorites also to become a new Chibi

this girl looks like a doll, xD, her face and her body is so delicate, I like her also, she is not my favorite but I think she has an opportunity…

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Cherrybelle New member contestant 10 Yui


Yui… I had a friend called the same way as her,, even she used similar clothes and she liked so much the dance xD actually she is out of the contest…

This girl looks very athletic and strong also is cute and an awesome voice, I’m sure this girl can bright even out from ChiBi… I hope to know more about her in the future…

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Cherrybelle new member contestant 9 Umi


This girl as I know is out from the finalists, Umi

As I can see she has very good movements and a very good voice, plus she looks kind and friendly BUT.. I could use the well know phrase “Why so serious?” Really this girl has talent I can see it. but maybe she could be a little less serious. also I like her smile. ^^

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Cherrybelle new member Contestant 8 Crysta


This girl is one of the favorites for the people, Crysta

As I could see on Kincir, this girl got the highest likes in the contest, (+500 cool)

I must Admit she is cute and has a nice mood, also her voice is very kind, to be honest this girl has a big chance to become our new ChiBi plus I like her name, xD sounds really pretty, but stil my fav is Keisha xDD.

Cherrybelle New member contestant 7 Shary


Shary has been eliminated.

this girl is sexy xD. also has a cute smile, and a cheerful mood, but I don’t know why but her voice is easy to lose, maybe she needs to sing a little more firmly, is a shame that she was eliminated, I liked her.

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Cherrybelle new member contestant 6 Elsa


Elsa is another girl who is still in the contest.

This girl is very good, also is cute, and her voice is good, but need a little more of movement, at my point of view I could find her kinda “rigid”, she made it very well, but I think she could do it better if she tries to be a little more natural. Do your best !!! you still have a chance !!!

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Cherrybelle new member Contestant 5 Clancy


This girl is actually eliminated, Clancy.

I think her first mistake was to fake her voice, in the first moment we can hear her singing “beautiful” with a fake voice, later we can hear her real voice, which is very strong. for sure this kind of voice is awesome, but I don’t think could fit in Cherrybelle, don’t miss understand me, I like her, I like her voice and is cute, but her style is not in ChiBi.

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Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

Cherrybelle New member contestant 4 Dhiaz


This girl was actually eliminated, Dhiaz

This girl is cute indeed !! I like her face, and she has style, but she has still to work with her singing and dancing, her voice sounds as she could reach good notes and her dance needs to be even more fluid, (at my point of view) keep practicing Dhiaz and maybe you will be an Star in the future.

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Cherrybelle new member Contestant 3 Keisha


This girl is still in the fight to be our next Chibi, her name is keisha.

She looks too young but she speaks very fluid and with security, I like her personality is cheerful but not extreme, also her voice is pretty good, plus we can add she is cantik xD (cute). to be honest this girl is my favorite.
Support from here Keisha !!!!

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