Is a condition on the curvature of the cornea, causes an error in the refraction of the eye an is almost always congenital and that’s why the images are blurry.
Currently this defect can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery gives good results and a low level of complications, change the curvature of the cornea using a technique known as LASIK (laser in situ keratomeusis assistant) is quick and only takes a few minutes and is performed under local anesthesia.
the patients do not distinguish fine details and perceive blurred figures, as a result you may experience headaches or dizziness because the eye muscles force to try to correct the defect, the patient may have other symptoms such as red eyes, sensitivity to light or double vision.
must perform an eye exam to diagnose astigmatism.
Astigmatism causes.
The origin of this condition is unknown,it is present from birth and frequently is associated with other disorders as myopia or farsightedness and astigmatism, also can be purchased, as a result you can modify normal morphology of the cornea and of surgical procedures (cataract operation) injuries or illnesses.
If astigmatism is slight it may not need any treatment.