Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

Cherrybelle’s new member 8 finalists

Well I’ve got by some good source that there are only 8 finalist for take place aside Cherrybelle instead Anisa (not replacing because they are searching a new member, not a Similar Anisa)

So the names of that girls are

 Herty , Novia , Rara , Elsa , Ayunda , Thia , Keisha and Crysta

One of that girls will become our new Chibi,

So we don’t have pictures or Video…. A shame right? but they are the rules because this info can become dangerous for the contestants, so the only that we have to do is to wait… right? the new member will be announced in the next 2 weeks, maybe a little before, and is planned to record again a new version of diam diam suka and pergi ke bulan with the new member. this in december 20…

Chibi chibi Chibi !!!! hak hak hak haaak !!!



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