Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

urinary infections


The urinary infections are caused by germs or bacteria that enter the urethra and and this is leading to a infection and can spread to the kidneys.

Most of the time the body can rid of these germs and bacteria.

The menopause also increases the risk of a urinary infection

The diabetes, kidney stones and remain  for a long time also increases the likelihood of a urinary infection.

The urinary infections  have different names.

In the part of the bladder is known as cystitis.

The ureters are conducts that carry urine each kidney to the bladder are rarely sites for infection.

An infection in the kidneys is called pyelonephritis or kidney infection.

the urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside is called infection urethritis.


Pain and burning with urination.

Strong need to urinate frequently

Turbid and bloody urine can have a strong fetid.

if the infection is passed kidney the symptoms are:

chills, tremors and night sweats, fatigue and fever over 101° (38°) or confusion mental changes, nausea and vomit.

paint abdominal intense.


the analysis is done to detect red blood cells and white blood cells, bacteria and chemical nitrite in urine.

also a urine culture is done to identify the bacteria and use the correct treatment, antibiotics are usually recommended by mouth because there is a risk that the disease spreads to the kidneys.

Is important to consult a physician and a day or two you will feel better.

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