Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Cherrybelle and boyfriends…

Well his is a topic that I had to update time ago but by time reasons I hadn’t done xD. but anyway there have fallen new notices about that…

Well first than anything, Cherrybelle’s members have no chance to keep a relationship, this way they have to be entirely focused to the spectacle, but as they said time ago, this is no problem, because they are really busy to keep a relationship even if they would wished that.

BTW, this is the topic about Cherrybelle’s crush the movie xD.

Second point is about something that happened a few days ago, if I remember well… was in the dahsyat TV show, where Cherybelle girls were asked about how they  feel about past relationships and the girls answered that they keep a good friendship about past relationships that they even when now are entirely dedicated to the show they still can keep the friendship.

so the next topic was in the same TV show, where the question was directly to Novia people asked to Novia about a boyfriend, she answered that actually she had had a relationship but this finished long time ago, and now she wants to be entirely dedicated to Cherrybelle.

anyway the girls some day will have to marry and some day will have to make their life out of the scenario (or maybe in) for example Cherly someday will marry with me… xDDD ok I’m still dreaming about that xD. But meanwhile that happens lets support Chibi!!

BTW some Rumors
-One of them that I remember is about Anisa and Eza Gionino, who broke his relationship because some rumors said that Anisa and Eza were dating, obviously that was no true, they even had no contact. but is funny the fact that they worked together in Tiba-tiba cinta xD.

-Another rumor is about Felly and Iras, but both of them told that they want to keep their relationship for later, now is time for the work.

- and the last rumor that I only read about it but I have no confirmed it yet, is about Christy and maybe she could left Cherrybelle in the 2015 because she wanted to marry meanwhile she is still young. BUT I have no confirmed anything about that… is just a rumor xD.

Happy Birthday Steffy Chibi !!!!


Well officially on here until this moment is Steffy’s birthday xD remember the 12 hours of difference xD anyway, today we have to say Happy Birthday to this dear girl, always smiling and specially I like the faces that she makes when she is confused about something, xD. for this and even more,

Happy Birthday to you my Sweet steffy Chibi !!!

Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Friday of fun … Magic dogs



Well maybe they aren’t magic xD but they were tricked by a magic trick is so awesome to see the way that they get confused just watch !!

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Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Wednesday of fashion … ~ Shoewings ~


Well I had the question about this fashion since the moment when I saw the Cherrybelle´s TVC (info in the next link)

anyway this things looks very cute and I think they can give some personality to the shoes that you use, I have a friend who is obsessed about Mustache things, maybe later I’ll buy her some of em xD

anyway ,,, What do you think? suka?? gak suka?  (like, don’t like?)

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Tuesday of Music: Aurelia Devi “Thanks for loving me”


I remember my first post about Tuesday of Music was about her and her first single “In love with you” , but this time is the moment to talk about her second single, “Thanks for loving me” which in general gives a 360 round to the past style, here we can see a more mature Devi singing a Ballad. anyway here my opinion and the Video Check it and comment !!! (here the resume about her first single)

Thanks for loving me. Revision


The music principally is a Ballad, as I said before this is a very hard change of style in comparision to her first single, I think the music is very well, I’ve hear better compositions, but I think this one is very good, also Devi knew how to manage her voice surrounded with that kind of music.


Cute, the Dress that she used in the beach was specially cute, I think stands out her body and her face, simple without make up and an flat hairstyle combines at the perfect way, the other costume, I mean the pink blouse looks very good also, the make up  is also well balanced playing with her lips an making her look so cute. meanwhile the Red coat and black skirt, look good, anything awesome, but looks very well.

image   image  image


This lyrics are deeper than the last time, on here we can find a song about a girl saying thank you to an special person, we can overlay words as “you are my spirit my breath and my light when my heart is fragile, thanks for loving me” this song is perfect to thank someone that you love so much.


In general This song is awesome, or at least I like so much plus I like the ballads like this, I think that Devi is trying to find a new style, and she is experimenting in different styles, at least this time she made it  better than her first single, but thisis only my Opinion, what do you think?





Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Cherrybelle TVC “Shoe wings”


Well I haven’t heard about “shoe wings” in my life and to be honest in a few moments I will search in the internet about that xD. But instead about how recent is this fashion the interesting point on here is about We at last can see Novia as a full member on Cherrybelle, and she looks awesome Twibi and Twiboy what do you think?

Monday of flashback ~ turning back…

Well it has been a good time since the last time I used this topic, anyway that was not by a bad reason, to be honest I have been working in some projects from the Internet projects as the daily projects in home and work.

One of my personal projects was to get a HD Screen, ¬¬.. and now I have it it looks awesome, I didn’t know how I managed to survive without a HD screen time ago xD but now I true.

another of my wishes was to manage a Page dedicated to Cherrybelle, and nowalso is true, the name is

Cherrybelle Turns International.

If you can go over there and give a like I promise I have been updating around every 3 days, and sometimes daily update.

but Also I want to talk about the main topic that has taken my entire time in the Web.

Cherrybelle, This girls are really becoming awesome and growing, I remember the first time I know about them, was thanks to an image where were Christy and Felly, then I started to look for them, and now I’m really gripped to them (Specially for Cherly xD) but curiously, as long I know this is the only site about Cherrybelle in english, so I will do my best to update even better since now, because Cherrybelle is giving their best and I will do it too,  now we have 9 members again. and It’s time to grow up and becoming International !!

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

Cherrybelle Magical Diaries


Maybe you will say “this is past story” but I wanted to have a good amount of info about this game, even I will include a gallery on here, which reminds me that I have something else to post… anyway lets go to the info:

Cherrybelle is becoming bigger everyday and a big step in their advance is this, a new videogame based in Cherrybelle. Developed by Altermyth, This Videogame will be an online game, as long as I have read is like a “rune factory” where you can personalize your character and increasing levels aside interact with some other players, this videogame will be released for Android and IOS.

Aside Cherrybelle Visited the Altermyth installations to check the advance about the videogame, even the staff at altermyth consulted Cherrybelle’s girls about design of the characters, The girls could see the advance and the work of all this people where BTW Steffy participated a lot. at the end of the visit the personal of Cherrybelle took pictures and left their autographs as memento. 

The game will be released in may (2014) so lets hope this game become a big platform to impulse Cherrybelle. so don’t forget about Like and share the oficial pages !!!

Here the gallery. Enjoy !!!!


Icha Video Audition…


Well I told time ago, one of my favorites girls to become the new Cherrybelle was this awesome girl “Icha” or Keisha as her original name, I just have met her at the Kincir audition, but curiously checking the web I found her on this video where she sings a medley very well done.

I’m not sure about what will happens to this girl in the future, but she got talent and I like her I like the way she is, Keep going on Icha !!!!


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Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Cherrybelle 9 members again First Picture !!!


Why is so important the first impression? because is the way that we want the world look at us, so this is the first Picture about Cherrybelle with 9 members again…

I like, so keep going Chibi !!!!

Novi Chibi !!! the new Cherrybelle


After a Dramatic Final, the concert announced to the new Chibi.

baru This was the moment When the Leader Cherly Chibi Selected the new member, and the Winner was, Novi, I must admit that my personal Favorite was Icha, but I’m sure that Novi will realize an awesome Work as the new member. now as fan we will support Cherrybelle and Novi since now, BTW, Anisa was in charge to give Novi the new title as Novi “Chibi” that was so awesome… now as people di Indonesia Says…

Cherrybelle ISTIMEWA !!!!!!


Congratulations Novi Chibi !!!!

Anisa at Cherrybelle Senyuman 3 Aniversary concert


the big surprise to Cherrybelle was to receive Anisa at their Concert, (to be honest that was the only part that I could see, because is hard to find a streaming service that works to see the SCTV channel, anyway I could find one and my surprise was to see Anisa in there, Cherly cried at see her also Felly, the other girls looked so happy to see our sweet Nissa again, and then she sang aside Cherrybelle again, this was a gift not only for Cherrybelle but all the fans everyone wanted to see Anisa again aside Cherrybelle, I don’t think that she returns, but is so cool that she is in there….

well a new segment started and they started singing “Brand new day” wearing some cute pink dresses …

TVI Live Reporting  xDD (always wanted to say that xDD)

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Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Crush the movie second trailer Gallery !!! (72 foto, pictures)


Well at last I could find a way to get the best quality,then here some screenshots, I hope you like this gallery, also is available in FB. !!


Cherrybelle Crush the movie (trailer 2)


Just yesterday was launched the second trailer about the new Cherrybelle’s Movie “Crush” in the last trailer we could see how our girls had a different personality each one, this new trailer is centered about the plot of the movie, (topic wich btw, I had forgot to talk about)

The plot of the movie is about Cherrybelle looking for a new change in their style, and this change came up with a new choreographer (Andre), But this cause some troubles because the girls fall in love with this new guy, due to the rules of the Group anyone of them can keep a relationship, and this complicate the plot, then Andre decides to run out and the girls start a journey to find Andre…

Basically that is the main plot, a plot very different in comparision to the past movie (Love is You) but the Director told time ago that this new movie Crush is more defined by the humor and the dancing, the love topic is barely used this time, and I like that Idea, Well meanwhile I’m fighting to get this trailer at full quality  to take some screenshots Enjoy the trailer !!!


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Happy Birthday Kezia Chibi !!!


Well lately I have been occupied at the Facebook fan page BTW Visit us!!!


Anyway after that little spot xD We are here to Say

Happy Birthday to our sweet and cute and awesome Kezia Chibi !!!

Someway I’m getting gripped to this girl, maybe I don’t like so much her decision to return to the black hair xD but anyway I still like her ^^ xD

Happy Birthday Keziaaaaaa !!!!!

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Senin, 10 Maret 2014

Cherrybelle at Cirebon (Mini gallery)


One of the images that I wanted to see it was the next, when the fans received Chibi at Cirebon’s train station,


I’m sure there will be even more Pictures about Chibi in Cirebon, but by the moment I will post only this, I hope I will be able to grow this gallery even more, If you were at Cirebon, Share your pictures Twibi !!!


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Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Cherrybelle, The original members (Rere & Eugene)


Time ago I heard about that 2 names “Rere and Eugene” also I heard that they were part of the original Cherry belle's staff, but Never could find a single image about them, now thanks to the site:

I could see them and even I found myself with the surprise that Devi Wasn't part of the original members, Devi entered some time later aside Gigi.

As the legend says Rere and Eugene left the girl band due to personal motives… at least now I know them the very original Team… Wooww…



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Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Cherrybelle at Cirebon (+ 3 possible members)


This Saturday Cherrybelle arrived to Cirebon, this is the first time that Cherybelle came to this place, and how it was the reception??


the train station Filled with fans shouting the name of the Cherrybelle members aside Banners and Images surrounded all the place, at here Cherrybelle took part with their concert at Swiss Bell Hotel Cirebon. where were presented the 3 possible replacement for Anisa, we mean Icha, Novi and Herty.

At the concert each girl sang aside cherrybelle a song

Icha ~ Diam Diam Suka
Novi ~ Beautiful
Herty ~ Dilemma

Can you imagine how stressed could have been this girls? this is the first time that they share an entire concert with Cherrybelle, xD who do you like most?

1545077_1390985694507157_964163370_n   image


Cherrybelle, Crush the novel, 5.000 copies sold out!!!


There are only a few days before the movie release, but by the moment the novel is selling very well, (to be honest I want one copy signed ¬¬ but in America is not so easy to find one of them T_T)

Anyway this shows the support of all the fans around Indonesia where I have received notices that the novel is entirely sold out in the stores!! Even is planed a second edition sooner.

Keep supporting Chibi !!!

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Cherrybelle 3rd Album (Update)


This 2014 looks like a year filled with the number “3” for Chibi. 3rd anniversary 3rd album,,,, Ok maybe only that 3 xD.

Well, this year Cherrybelle has been very busy with presentations TV shows, Parties, Problems, Rumors etc. and one of this topics is this 3rd Album, as I know this album will be the card of presentation for the new Cherrybelle style, (a more mature style) but there are no further details about, the only new update is that;

- there are selected 6 songs for the Album

Well at least is a new update xD

Just I wonder if there is still the idea about leave a Solo song for each member…

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Cherrybelle…. Disbanded??? no!


Well after taking a little hiatus at writing in this blog (the work took me apart) I read in different sites about this topic. Cherrybelle disbanded.

Why this topic came out to the surface? The reason is ‘cause lately the “bands” are separating, the latest topic was about SMASH (an Indonesian Boy band) and we could add the fact about Anisa simply left the group, coming soon the Kici´s Solo album and the differences between Kici and Cherly etc, anyway there are enough reasons to start comments about.
But What have to say Cherrybelle about?

“we are a solid group, we haven’t said anything about separate, we have a responsibility as a solid group”
in Cherly’s words

This words were supported by Angel and Felly whose added that they have a good relationship as friends and Cherrybelle’s  members

So we can say something. maybe Cherrybelle will finish someday but not now, the group has done a good job and they have now the power of all their fans (including me) to support them. Cherrybelle has reached 3 years lets fight for some much more Anniversaries!!!

Chibi Chibi Chibi !!!!!

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Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Cherrybelle at SCTV Malang Carnival (gallery)

Cherrybelle SCTV malang

Well not so much time ago Chibi had a little visit and presentation at SCTV Carnival in Malang officially at was uploaded the gallery, here a re-upload. Check it out !! Cherly looks awesome xD

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Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

Kezia Returns to the Black Hair


Well this is not a new notice but I had forgot to post about it. Kezia Chibi decided to return to her natural style the black hair, Personally I had got used to see her in blonde (to be honest I didn’t knew her in her original color).

Surely Kezia looks cute in black, but it will take me time to get used, this same confusion caused me Ryn, first I knew her in black and suddenly she turned Blonde, that was a big surprise for me, then when I started to say “Ryn looks cute as blonde” she returned to the black,,, xD this girls want to have me confused every day xDanyway we will miss our blonde Kezia.



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