Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Anisa at Cherrybelle Senyuman 3 Aniversary concert


the big surprise to Cherrybelle was to receive Anisa at their Concert, (to be honest that was the only part that I could see, because is hard to find a streaming service that works to see the SCTV channel, anyway I could find one and my surprise was to see Anisa in there, Cherly cried at see her also Felly, the other girls looked so happy to see our sweet Nissa again, and then she sang aside Cherrybelle again, this was a gift not only for Cherrybelle but all the fans everyone wanted to see Anisa again aside Cherrybelle, I don’t think that she returns, but is so cool that she is in there….

well a new segment started and they started singing “Brand new day” wearing some cute pink dresses …

TVI Live Reporting  xDD (always wanted to say that xDD)

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