Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Cherrybelle at Cirebon (+ 3 possible members)


This Saturday Cherrybelle arrived to Cirebon, this is the first time that Cherybelle came to this place, and how it was the reception??


the train station Filled with fans shouting the name of the Cherrybelle members aside Banners and Images surrounded all the place, at here Cherrybelle took part with their concert at Swiss Bell Hotel Cirebon. where were presented the 3 possible replacement for Anisa, we mean Icha, Novi and Herty.

At the concert each girl sang aside cherrybelle a song

Icha ~ Diam Diam Suka
Novi ~ Beautiful
Herty ~ Dilemma

Can you imagine how stressed could have been this girls? this is the first time that they share an entire concert with Cherrybelle, xD who do you like most?

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