Kamis, 03 April 2014

Cherrybelle at Golkar Politic Event


Is curious, I hardly mix politics with show, but this time we have to,
xD aren’t you Tired about Corruption in the politics? Aren’t you tired of false hopes? Vote for Cherrybelle in this next elections !!! Hail cherrybelle !!!
xDDD  I had to do it, but now Seriously, A few days ago were uploaded a video where Cherrybelle invited to the Twibi and Twiboys to vote in the next elections they didn’t want to encourage to some party, because even they had different opinions about.
And now Cherrybelle was invited by the party Golkar to participate in this event, wearing the party’s colors and giving a good spectacle, also Cherrybelle took the opportunity to talk about their next releases.

I think this shows how much Cherrybelle is becoming a powerful group even now they are involved in political views xD awesome right? !!

I don’t really know anything about politics in Indonesia ( I have enough problems dealing with my country’s politics xD) but is good to know that in there the politicians are taking a time to look over the young people. Keep going on !!! now Indonesia tomorrow the world !!


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