Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Pura-pura Cinta remix by Rio Saga


I didn’t think that I’d have to post again about something Japanese xD anyway if Rio san is by the Cherrybelle’s Side is part of this blog, XD Arigato Rio san!!!
Well this song was seen in the tersenyuman concert, where Cherrybelle introduced this guy Rio, who is part from a project called SAGA, Korean-Japanese-Chinese Project, and he takes the responsibility of making this remix.
When I get out of Japanese business this kind of remakes were very famous in Japan I remember groups like Perfume, Capsule and specially I liked so much Mizka, but more than the mix I gave a real sight to the dance, maybe about this was talking Cherrybelle about a new dance style, which looks complicated. I liked to be honest xD

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