Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Monday of Flashback. Anisa quits Cherrybelle, fans and shopping

Well this last week was pretty scandalous, but or first topic I think is the topic that everyone is still thinking about

Anisa Left Cherrybelle…

this was really surprising for me, and to be honest I’m still a little angry about, not with Anisa. never, but Cherrybelle fought to consolidate as a group and now this moment is when Cherrybelle must finish to consolidate, andI’m not sure the way that Anisa leave the group could affect, 3 ways.

  1. The fans start to leave Cherrybelle.
  2. The fans start to support even more now that Chibi needs support
  3. everything continues as the same.

But I don’t think everything will continue as always because I have seen comments about Chibi’s last presentation and still people asking for Anisa. Well now is time to keep supporting ChiBi!!.. which takes me to my second topic:


Long time ago I liked the Japanese music and showbiz in general, but something invaded it and really finished mi love for all of them. The Fans. When I started to follow a Japanese girlband time ago everything was cool, because a group of friends we enjoy talking about something that we loved. but after some years that changed, started to come new people even more and more, but they aren’t in there to support the group, they were in there to fight and for discuss and acted like experts in the topic, when I think “anyone has the reason in music” because everyone likes different kinds of music, but that persons really ruined my liking in music, until recently that I found ChiBi I started to like the music again, I hope there will not be fights xD


Well talking about something new, this sunday I went out in shopping xD (not very usual on me) and I bought some old stuff, I felt like an expert analyzing relics, xD check it out and everything by less than 7 USD.


And next time I want to buy this O_O:


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