Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Sunday of health “Alimentation”


Well I’d like to introduce a new member “Deni” she’s still learning English but She really knows about how to have a healthy life, also is her first time as blogger, so this space will be managed by her xD now her first post “alimentation”

I’d like to talk about alimentation because if I have a good alimentation I feel good Physical, mental, moral and psychologically.

Is important for our body to prevent some illness by getting a balanced alimentation , we need to consume calories, carbohydrates, fat, proteins,, every day, red meat,white,vitamins,minerals and water, also add food with grain which can consist on wheat,rice,corn,barley, and another grain rich in fiber and more healthy.

what  if we eat bad?

if we eat bad our body will resent the lack of all the nutrients that our body needs and start to sick us little by little and this causes the body represent more age than we really have.

What causes in our body to have a bad nutrition?

the firs reaction from a poor nutrition is anemia which starts to weaken the body and cause irreversible damage, the mind turns slow, also the bones get sick by lack of calcium.

the bad nutrition can be derived by disorder psychology or psychical causing diseases as bulimia and anorexia this affected principally teens and women.

the factors to develop them are the next.

  • low self esteem 
  • the difficult to solve family problems and labor.
  • the influence of very thin models.
  • thyroid problems.

also the poor nutrition can be derived by junk food (Which I will speak in the next post)

how to eat a healthy diet ?

to lead a healthy diet we have a variety of food to nurture our body we can consume fruits and green vegetables, cereals also grain and combine legumes with cereals and remove the fat to the meat and the chicken skin, the cheese more yellow have more fat, the cream which is not lacteous is fat, consume maximum two eggs per week, the bread will not affect you if you only eat two per week.
This way we can prevent too many sickness.

the alimentation must contain variety in each food according tastes in the culture of who consumes it.

if you have a healthy balanced diet you can enjoy a good health.

A healthy diet is quality not quantity.

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