Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Saturday of technology ~PS4 prices around the world~

A few days ago a friend of mine was talking about to buy a PS3 and I told him

“why don’t you buy a PS4? is cheaper”

He answered

is easier to get 4000 (310 USD) than 7500 (582 USD)

So my surprise was that everyone was talking about the price of the PS4, 399 USD and now I’m noticing about a 580 USD O_O,,, then I get the work to investigate about the prices of this console and…
I must be happy by not living in Brazil where the price will reach the 1800 USD, taxes taxes taxes,, also importation prices etc.
I found a practical table where is shown the prices around the world, if you want to add a country and price comment and share xD I’ll ad

Mexico  ~ 582 USD


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